' ' Cinema Romantico: 2nd Funniest Thing I've Heard On TV In 8-10 Years

Sunday, April 17, 2011

2nd Funniest Thing I've Heard On TV In 8-10 Years

So how does the ever epic Ron Swanson of "Parks and Recreation" (i.e. my favorite show on TV, and it's not even close) remember mega movie star Julia Roberts?

"Is that that toothy girl from 'Mystic Pizza?'"

This guy rules.


Thomas said...

That was great but I thought John Ralphio's "Fred Clause" line was even better.

Nick Prigge said...

It certainly was nice to see John Ralphio back in action.

Anonymous said...

I love Parks & Rec, and Ron Swanson is one of the best characters on TV. There is a pretty funny Tumblr page about him, too, if you haven't seen it: http://catsthatlooklikeronswanson.tumblr.com/