' ' Cinema Romantico: Post-Oscar Recalibration

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Post-Oscar Recalibration

"Don't you 'atta girl' me! You're worse than all the rest of 'em! 'Stone-Age Stuff!' 'Mad with Desire!' 'Lovers' Brawl!' Is that the way you prove that you just more than care for me? Treating me like a strip act in a burlesque show! A glamorous bombshell, eh? A glorified chump, that's what I've been! Well, I'm sick of it, you understand? With the business and everybody! You can get another 'It Girl,' a 'But Girl' or a 'How, When and Where Girl.' I'm clearing out, and you can all stay here in this half-paid-for car barn and get somebody else to pull the apple cart! I'm going where ladies and gentlemen hang their hats and get some peace and quiet." 

- Jean Harlow, "Bombshell"

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