Oops!!! (Not to worry, Cinema Romantico's fact checker has been properly reprimanded.) I actually think I knew she was Canadian but it just slipped my mind. Besides, this already makes her the pre-eminent Canadian actress. No waiting around for Meryl Streep to vacate her throne!
Anyway, I don't want Canadians reading along to think I'm another one of those ignorant Americans who view Canada as some cold, vast, empty wasteland which provides nothing of great consequence. That could not be further from the truth! I love Canada! Thus, it's time to revise my official Top 10 Things I Love About Canada List. Here goes....
1. The Arcade Fire
2. Rachel McAdams
3. Kathleen Edwards
4. Labatt Blue
5. Dahrran Diedrick (i.e. The Big 12's Leading Rusher in 2001)
6. Eric Schweig (i.e. Uncas in "Last of the Mohicans")
7. Sleeman Ale
8. The Saddledome (the coolest indoor stadium on the planet)
9. Sarah Polley
10. If it wasn't for a Canadian, this never would have happened.
I'm sorry to correct you, but you appear to have spelled "Sarah Polley" incorrectly. The proper spelling is "William Shatner." Please update your records.
Well played, sir.
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