You might not believe me but I made this list in about 34 seconds. I know what I want. What would you want?
Cinema Romantico's 8 Desert Island DVDs:
- "Last of the Mohicans". No explanation necessary. The Washington Monument of my DVD collection.

-"Million Dollar Baby". The Lincoln Monument of my DVD collection. I know that for some "Million Dollar Baby" - particularly the third act - is hard to watch, and I totally understand, but it's not for me. I find moviemaking that incredible easy to watch.

- "The Myth of Fingerprints". I only watch this movie once a year but I have to fight off persistent urges at many times during the year to keep that once-a-year tradition alive, believe me. I could watch it 180 times a year - possibly even 255 times a year. It is the Jefferson Monument of my DVD collection (and now I will stop with this whole Washington D.C. landmark comparison nonsense).

- "Lost In Translation". I imagine it's going to get just a bit lonely on that desert island and this is - far and away - my favorite film to watch when I feel a little bit lonely (and/or lost).

- "Before Sunrise". No one to talk to on the island? No worries. I'll let Jesse and Celine talk for me. (Note: I've have yet to write a review of this movie. Tragic. So here's my friend Rory's review.)

- "From Here To Eternity". Now do you understand why I'm so concerned Jessica Simpson might one day star in a remake of this? Do you hear me, Simpson?! Keep your grubby hands off! Don't think I don't know what you're up to!

- "Without Limits". When I moved from Iowa to Arizona my first day out on the road the enormity of what I was doing hit me and I had a little bit of a freak-out. I mean, of course, I did. It's me! That night at my hotel in Oklahoma City I found "Without Limits" showing on TV and I cannot describe how happy it made me and how much it calmed me down. Cinematic comfort food.

- "Elizabethtown". Don't judge me!!!

Yay, another fan of "Lost in Translation and I thought I was alone:)
Great list Nic. I'm not surprised to see many of those movies as they have made your "Great movies" posts. The only one we have in common is The Last of the Mohicans.
Good call on Lost in Translation, never even heard of Myth of Fingerprints though. Need to check that one out. Well done!
Very good list! Love that you have also included Million Dollar Baby!
Lovely to see From Here to Eternity. Clift and Kerr at their best.
Yours is the second list in a row I've seen just now with Last of the Mohicans. It hadn't crossed my mind, but I really like that pick. Also, Before Sunrise - wow, love that pick. If I'm gonna be bored and/or alone on this island, I can't imagine a better movie that's just chock full of interesting dialogue. Also, it might give me hope that I meet someone on the island for just a night (I'm assuming my wife ain't there with me...).
Oh goodness, I feel so guilty now for not having seen Last of the Mohicans... and I do love Day-Lewis. I don't know much about Elizabethtown to judge you, besides, to each their own, right?
Lost In Translation! Excellent! Very interesting list.
Elizabethtown though? Well I guess it's my Troy. Everyone's giving me a hard time about that. lol
I like Elizabethtown, I just don't like Orlando Bloom in it so I pretend he's someone else.
Thanks for dropping by, everyone. Glad to hear of many mutual "Lost in Translation" fans. I'm still on the completely useless bandwagon that it got robbed by "Return of the King" at the Oscars. But that might just be me.
Fletch: that might be an idea for "Before Sunrise 3". The stranded on an island version. Maybe a comedic remake with Will Ferrell.
This is my first time reading your blog, Nick, but because you picked "Elizabethtown" I will be back! :)
Seriously, though, I love that movie in spite of all the negative reviews and haters. There's just something elemental and touching about being in your mid- to late-20s and feeling lost, adrift, at sea and in search of ... something to hold onto.
I'm happy to see "Lost in Translation" on here because I love Bill Murray in general. This is his best work ("Zombieland" aside, of course).
Muahahah, see! Discover the awesomeness of Cinema Romantico! I was here first, pay a toll.
I picked ELIZABETHTOWN, too! No guilt! :-)
For so long I've been ashamed of my unconditional love for the unstoppable awesomemeness of "Elizabethtown" but no more. It's nice to see it's touched other people, too. I mean, I DIG that movie.
Nick! Your list was going so well until...ELIZABETHTOWN!!
I swore I wouldn't judge reading through other bloggers lists but...ELIZABETHTOWN!!!
None in common with my eight, but high marks for MOHICANS...and holy hannah! I could have sworn that I was the only person who dug ELIZABETHTOWN!!! that's worth taking just to be able to hear so much of "Free Bird".
Great list, I'd paddle over to your island any day.
Before Sunrise is my favourite Richard Linklater movie, I considered it for my list but it lost out to Dazed and Confused for its fun, feel good factor and great soundtrack. Thanks for joining in by the way.
With 'From Here to eternity' you've reminded me of how thankful I would be to have my wife with me on this Island.
Thanks Nicholas.
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