' ' Cinema Romantico: Feature Presentations

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Feature Presentations

In the ongoing effort to make Cinema Romantico more cohesive I have decided to implement a couple feature presentations. One, in theory, will be weekly and one, in theory, will show itself whenever the mood should strike.

The first I'm officially naming Friday's Old Fashioned. Named after the popular after hours cocktail, it is to be an every Friday post in which I watch for the first time or re-visit a classic film. I go through serious spurts of classic film watching and, other than back during Oscar season, I have been a drought for awhile. This, I feel, will help aid a critical rejuvenation. It will all begin next Friday with "All About Eve", which, on the strength of Andy's post at his Film Emporium, I re-watched, much to my delight, allowing me to form a few new thoughts.

The photo I took of Lincoln Center when I was bonding with it in May because I HAD to bond with it because "Black Swan" was filmed/set there. Duh.
The second I'm naming Film Fanaticism. This is an ode to how I/we give so much of ourselves to the movies and probably, more often than not, take it 27 steps further than the "normal" populace would ever find rational. If this doesn't make complete sense, well, just wait 'til the inagural post tomorrow and it will. Trust me.

Wish us luck. We may or may not need it. (We probably do.)

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