' ' Cinema Romantico: Jonathan Traeger Supports Independent Bookstores

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Jonathan Traeger Supports Independent Bookstores

Farhad Manjoo recently wrote an article for Slate championing Amazon.com over independent bookstores.

But upon my annual holiday season re-watching of "Serendipity" last night I came to the swift, stunning realization that Mr. Manjoo is, in fact, an idiot. Why? Simple. How would Jonathan Traeger have found Sara Thomas without an independent bookstore?


Rory Larry said...

Starts a facebook page called help me find Sara Thomas.

Nick Prigge said...

Hmmmmmmmm.....a good point. My inevitable "Serendipity" remake is going to hit a few social networking snags.

Then again, I can't see Sara Thomas being a facebooker. She's too much of a mystic.

Rory Larry said...

No but thousands of people would join and do meticulous research to find her.

Nick Prigge said...

Except in this version Sara would have gone completely off the grid, providing therapy to some remote village in the Andes. And then Cusack & Piven would be scaling rickety old bridges across yawning chasms Indy-style to find her.

Rory Larry said...

And she is also kidnapped by drug dealers but luckily Cusack was a former navy seal.

Daryl said...

Oh, sweet. The finale can feature him having to swim across a raging flood-swollen river to get to her. In the rain. With big lightning blasts all around.

Plus, there's a dog.

Nick Prigge said...

"The Serendipitous Adventures Of Jonathan & Sara In 3D"