' ' Cinema Romantico: 30 Minutes Or Less (In 30 Words Or Less)

Monday, January 09, 2012

30 Minutes Or Less (In 30 Words Or Less)

Pizza delivery driver. Strapped to bomb. Forced to rob bank. Hijinks ensue.

Eisenberg = Eisenberg.

Aziz = Tom Haverford with less pseudo-style.

Worse than Tombstone, better than Totino’s.


Anonymous said...

This is no comedy classic, but it delivers plenty of laughs, thanks to a witty script and no less than five very hilarious performances. Good review.

Anonymous said...

Interesting way to review the movie. I like it!

I found the movie hilarious and entertaining, but one of those movies I wouldn't dare give a second viewing to.

Nick Prigge said...

It was entertaining on some level but it was just one of those movies (and there are a lot of them) that left me entirely indifferent the second it ended. Which is why I went with a review like so.

Derek Armstrong said...


I hate this movie.

Nick Prigge said...

I hated Danny McBride in this movie. As time goes by, the more I realize I just don't care for his humor.

Derek Armstrong said...

I think that's true. McBride is just a tonally wrong comedian. However, I have to say, I didn't see Your Highness until it was out on video, and had heard that everyone who saw it in the theater hated it. I didn't mind it, and I specifically didn't mind McBride in it.

But McBride was just the start of the problems with 30 Minutes or Less. I hated its borderline racist world view. I groaned throughout this movie. The structure of the plot is a mess, and there were several significant plot threads left hanging.

Nick Prigge said...

It was also oddly enabling of its "heroes". I mean, I understand it was supposed to be a "black comedy" but to just let them walk away with the money they robbed.... (Spoiler alert!)

Mr_Sheldrake said...

That was a beautiful review. Good show.

Nick Prigge said...

Thank you, sir. Too kind.