' ' Cinema Romantico: Dear Universal, Could You Allow Me To Screen The Adjustment Bureau In Advance Of Its Release Date?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dear Universal, Could You Allow Me To Screen The Adjustment Bureau In Advance Of Its Release Date?

If you know me and are aware of who I am and how I feel and my views of life and love and the world and the cinema and at the risk of jinxing it and at the risk of assigning it expectations which cannot possibly be reached (though, as I have stated before, I personally do not believe anything can be, as they say, built up too much), well, a man's gut reaction is his gut reaction and I have no choice but to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me movie gods. So here it is.

"The Adjustment Bureau" might just be the greatest preview I've ever seen.


Castor said...

Amen! Very much looking forward to this myself.

Simon said...

I'll draft a petition.

Nick Prigge said...

Yes, yes! A petition! I love petitions! Of course, my last attempt at pleading with a movie studio - my campaign to get Kelly Macdonald an Oscar nominaton - was, uh, moderately unsuccessful.

Castor said...

Damn man... Universal is delaying the release of the movie until March 2011 :(

Nick Prigge said...

Ooooooooh noooooooooo. Not simply that I have to wait that long to see it but....that's never a good sign. Never ever. I jinxed it, didn't I? I knew it! I made this post and I ruined it! It's all my fault! Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, I roundly take the blame on this one.

I guess I'll just start looking forward to "Somewhere" now.