' ' Cinema Romantico: Guess Who's Coming To Chicago?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Guess Who's Coming To Chicago?

It was the least the movie gods could do. After destroying my summer by dropping Michael Bay (Cinema Romantico's official Public Enemy #1) and his "Transformers" trainwreck into the city where I live and Bay-ing up blocks where I work and play, I have been granted an awesome autumn reprisal.

Pardon me while I polish a few screenplay ideas for pitching. Excuse me if I buy a new a pair of shoes. Forgive me if I go so far as to put a little (gasp!) gel in my hair. I gotta make a good impression. This isn't just anyone, people, this is The Greatest Actress In The World.

Kate Winslet will soon be here.


Castor said...

You better snatch a picture of her! (no pun intended with the word snatch)

Wretched Genius said...

So will you be applying for a job as an extra?

Andrew K. said...

Aaah, you lucky bastard. (She's single, so good luck with that too; so good luck with that.)

Danny King said...

I second the question from Wretched Genius.

Nick Prigge said...

I'm pondering applying. I'd have to see what the shooting schedule is. Also, I don't know how I'd react around her. I mean, she's at a Springsteen-like level with me. Could I handle it?

My Other Brother Daryl said...

"Area man arrested today after professing love for and a need to chart the career of a famous actress. What actress and what Nick Hornby novel was at the center of the event? Find out when the WGN Evening News continues..."

Danny King said...

Do you know what they would make you do at a casting call?

Nick Prigge said...

I'm not really sure what a casting call entails except for bringing a "small photo" of myself. I think there is a lot of waiting around. Anyway, I don't think I can go through with this. It sounds as if I'd have to be working on college football saturdays and while no actress is greater than Kate, I'm not sacrificing Nebraska football.